
Saturday, 14 March 2009


We attended the 5.30pm Mass and lit a candle for Dad on Friday afternoon.

Dad loved dogs so it was perhaps no surprise to see one taking a snooze between the Cathedral pews.

1 comment:

Abi said...

Ah! Lovely pic of doggie snoozing, just sums Dad up really! Thanks for putting this on Nic.

Joe and I also visited the church where we were married and lit a candle for Dad. I had a letter from annette yesterday which told of the story of why her and the brothers were never afraid of dying! She said when her father was left for dead in the mortuary, he saw bright lights and a beautiful garden with all his relatives that had died there. He then realised it wasn't 'his time' and came back to life! Apparently he told the story to Annete and the boys, and this made their faith in the after life stronger and made them beleive that we'd all be reunited in death with our loved ones. I hope to go and visit her in May.