
Monday, 10 November 2008


I contacted the Royal Naval Voluntary Reserve (RNVR) about grandfather when there was no record of him in their 
list of officers. He has now been found and a record can be seen at this link. Some of the information gathered 
came from the obituary that I attached with my email (a copy appears in an earlier post on this blog). Below is the text of the RNVR's reply:

Re: F.J. Houghton RNVR‏
From:J.N. Houterman (
Sent:Sunday, November 09, 2008 5:38:53 PM
To:Nicholas Houghton (
Found him as Temporary Lieutenant (Special Branch) at HMS Victory III in late 1941. Will gladly add an entry for him.


Hans Houterman

If anyone has a photograph of grandfather it would be nice to let the RNVR have it for their site.

1 comment:

Abi said...

Hi Nic,

this is very interesting, thanks for putting this on the blog. I wonder why he was registered with the Leicestershire Regiment when he lived in Guildford?
