
Monday, 31 December 2007


Wednesday, 21 November 2007


Monday, 5 November 2007


In recognition of Pete in Australia I thought it high time we added a clock for the region.
Keep posting everybody. I am sure you have lots to say, and we want to hear it.

Monday, 22 October 2007

Joyce - Mum of Nic and Sally, Grandmother of Jonathan, Dorian and Karla

Hello all

Unfortunately Mum has had a stroke and was taken to the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital on 9 October. She is still there waiting for a transfer to Budleigh Salterton Hospital for rehabilitation.

She suffered a significant episode which has resulted in quite a high level of disability. She can move all her limbs but has no strength. The most worrying aspect is her mental health. Mum was beginning to display signs of confusion before this happened but the stroke seems to have magnified this problem enormously. She is very distant and talks mainly in the past. She does recognise me and knows who I am. She requires assistance with feeding and can only manage liquidised foods. Because of the confusion the opinion is at the moment that a return home will be unlikely. However, we always remain optimistic and her home is waiting for her. This is probably everyones worst nightmare for themselves or someone they love. It is a very cruel way to spend the evening of your days and we have a different Mum and grandmother now to the one we had two weeks ago.

Will keep you posted.

On a happier note, Big G and I are really well and looking forward to some cosy winter evenings! Great news about Abi and Joe and we look forward to the wedding next year - (I am assuming we are invited!). Look forward to seeing you all before too long although as time races by it is looking increasingly unlikely in 2007 - where has it gone? Another year of big birthdays, births, engagements, mega moves to overseas adventures and other lovely things that hopefully will outweigh the negatives that I am sure we have all experienced this year.

Love you loads

Sally xxx

Monday, 1 October 2007

Saturday, 29 September 2007

The oldest living relation to John Frederick

First, thanks Ami for introducing me to the Houghton blog!

I was born in 1924 in London to Geoffry Ambrose Houghton, brother to Jack Houghton, dad to Adrian and Annette and Christopher and Jonathan - Abi's dad.

I have lived in Sydney Australia for the past 50 years. I lost my wife Pat 4 years ago to Leukemia, so now live alone, but not far from my Daughter Gerry (Geraldine), Grandson Nigel and great Grand children James, Joel and Sarah the latest edition and four weeks old!

No more for now, we all congratulate Ami on her forthcoming marriage and wish her a lifetime of happiness. One Glden Rule, never go to bed without making up, my dad taught me that and it works, he gave us two glasses on our Wedding Day to toast one another after an argument.

Hi to all the family, those I know and those I don't.

Friday, 28 September 2007


For those wishing to follow my progress in the Philippines, there is a link in this Blog's 'link' section.
Note the Blog is 'closed'. If you want an invitation to join, let me have your email address.
My Philippine mobile number is : +63 915 2628 186

A big thank you to everyone that helped me with my move.
I received practical help and morale encouragement from family and friends. When the task sometimes felt bigger than me, you should not underestimate your contributions made.
Thank you all.


Saturday, 22 September 2007

Nic's last weekend

Click here to see the full album

Posted by Picasa

Thursday, 20 September 2007

provisional wedding date 16th August 2008

Joe and I have a provisional booking on 16/8/08 for our wedding! It will be at St Mary Redcliffe Church in Bristol so please keep this date free. Will be sending out invitations once all is confirmed and we've organsied the reception etc....

Abi x

Monday, 10 September 2007


I am pleased to announce that Joe proposed last night and I have said yes!!

No dates set yet, but watch this space! We are both very excited, and consumed a good deal of champagne last night to celebrate the occasion. He also completed the marathon in 1 hour and 49 minutes so all round, a very good sunday!!

Abi x

Saturday, 8 September 2007


"Chickens roost where the mill once ground"

The photograph shows Joyce Houghton and son Nicholas (2yrs 5m) in the doorway of the mill.

The farm was the birthplace of Sally Jeanne Houghton (26.9.56).

Joyce reported seeing ghosts in the farmhouse.

Friday, 31 August 2007

Topsham Connection Grandpa

How interesting that Grandpa lived in Topsham in the early '60's I wonder where he lived... Retreat Road would be very spooky...
Another Photo for the collection ..Jonathan holding Phoebe last week

Thursday, 30 August 2007

PS) Joe is still doing the Bristol Half Marathon on Sunday 9th September so not too late if anyone wants to sponser him, please click on the link Nic has put on the blog above, thanks xx

New Job!

Hello Everybody!

Glad to hear Julian had a fantastic birthday party you all look pretty 'happy' in the photos! Ha ha!! I'm amazed we all managed to keep it a secret to be honest, it wasn't easy not to let the cat out of the bag! Very sorry I couldn't attend, never one to miss a good party, but we were away in France. Had a great holiday, we stayed in Joe's parents cottage near La Rochelle in the country side, miles away from civilsation and drank lots of red wine and I ate double own body weight in croissant!! Weather was sunny for most of the time so lots of trips to the beach and BBQ's in the evening. We spent a very interesting night with Claude and Ya Ya (Joe's parents friends who speak NO English) when they kindly invited us for a 6 course meal at their house. We managed to converse in something like French for more than 5 hours, pretty amazing as neither Joe or I really speak very much French at all. Think the Bordeaux vin rouge assisted somewhat!!

Anyway, now back in Bristol and looking forward to starting a new job for the Royal British Legion as an Employment Adviser. Will start on 01/10/07 and means I will be working from home and driving out to people in their work places to try and assist them with things they need to stay in work if they have health problems or disabilities. Can't wait to start, maybe will get a dog if possible now I won't be in an office all day! Also. will need some company as Joe is off to the south coast on Sunday to start his teacher training! He will be back at weekends though, so hopefully we won't pine for eachother too much. Although I think we will!! Ah!!

Anyway, hope all is well with everybody and Sally, are you having another party this year? Nic, when are you leaving the country? Must see you before you go!!!

Big hugs to you all

Abi xxxx

Sunday, 26 August 2007

F J HOUGHTON - Obituary

This is the newspaper obituary for Jonathan Frederick Houghton. Father to Adrian, Christopher, Jonathan and Annette.
He was born on 1 November 1894. He was commissioned into the Royal Leicestershire Regiment before WW1 and as a captain was severely wounded on the Somme in 1916. He lay unattended in no-man's land for three days.
He drove Lagondas at Brooklands between the wars and was a partner in a garage in Guildford.

Click to enlarge

In WW2 he was a Lieutenant in the RNVR until 1942 when he was seconded as an inspector of landing craft.
In 1947 he took a farm at Burrowcombe. His first wife died in 1954. Later he married May Gill and moved to Topsham before moving to Tiverton in 1963.

Sunday, 12 August 2007


Well it certainly seemed to be a surprise to Julian when he was directed not to Clare's house, but to the Bude Band Hall last night. And aren't we all relieved that it is out in the open and we don't have to keep it secret anymore.
Well done to everyone that was involved in the organisation, but especially to Tania who was the leading light behind the whole thing.
Graham, Sally and Nic were delighted to be a part of the celebrations. It was good to see you all as ever and to meet the newest addition to the family.

Friday, 20 July 2007


The HBP gathering for 21 July in Devon has been cancelled.
No attendances from Portsmouth were expected and the new mother and child in Bude would not be able to travel easily Jonathan is also away in Greece.
Nic suggested that the gathering might be rescheduled for September before his departure on 25th

Wednesday, 18 July 2007


Jonathan has been working on EA's Burnout Paradise game. If you are into that sort of thing click on the link to watch the trailer.

Sunday, 15 July 2007


had a
3.20 am this morning
Sunday 15 July 2007.
8lb 8oz
No name yet, but all doing well

Tuesday, 10 July 2007


I booked my flight last night
and leave UK on 25 September.

Wednesday, 4 July 2007


I don't suppose anyone will read this, but don't say I did not tell you.
I am moving to The Philippines in September. This may be for a few months or it could be more permanent.
So now you know.
I hope I will get the chance to see as many of you as I can before I go so you can buy me a farewell drink.
Visit this link for photographs of where I am heading:

Saturday, 9 June 2007


Sally, clever though she is, has still not grasped the skill of posting to the Blog. She has gone off to Corsica for two weeks and asked me to Post the following:

21 JULY 2007
Sally's Place
Woodbury Salterton
[Phone for directions: 01392 879225]
If you cannot make Saturday, you are welcome on Sunday

Saturday, 12 May 2007


Hello All!

havent checked in lately so a few new posts since last! Gosh Joe, well done you for commiting to doin the half marathon. We most definalty will be sponsoring you. You're going to have to sleep a week before and after surely?!
I know I posted a message a little while ago about a surprise party for Julin - well hopefully its still happening but now on a different date. its actually going to be Saturday 11th August. I have an absolutly brilliant funky live band booked so it should be worth the trip down for a good knees up! It would be handy if I could have anybody postal address as I will send out some invites nearer the time.

Alls well here in Bude. Hope everyone is well. Take Care Ju Tan & Amber x

Thursday, 10 May 2007


Hi folks,
Just a quick note to let you all know that me and my mate Dave are running the Bristol half marathon on Sunday 9th September 2007.
Dave's god-daughter is deaf and has had loads of help from The Ear Foundation, so we thought it would be a good idea to get together and see how much we can raise, so that they can continue to help people with hearing problems and add to the tremendous work which they have done so far.
If you want to sponsor us (any amount will be gratefully received) then please go to the following website:
I know that you lot are all lovely people and that the cause is a good one, so I've no doubt that we'll raise quite a tidy sum!
Thanks for your support and if you want to come and laugh at us on race-day, I'll be the one in the ambulance.

Friday, 4 May 2007

Psst! It's also Maria's birthday

Thursday, 3 May 2007

I moved to Belfast

Hello everyone. Just a quick post to let you all know that I have moved to Belfast. I hope everyone is well, and I apologise in advance that it may not be easy in future for me to attend family gatherings.

Love Karla x


Following a routine call on a Bridgecraft stockist I found time to pay a visit to Aunt Margaret. Once I had got by the vicious guard dog (Milo), Aunty M put the kettle on and made me a welcoming mug of tea and got out the cake. It was not long before the house was thronging with Denny, Jenny and the children. The adults sat around chatting about this and that, until it was time to leave.

Aunty M showed me her new lap top computer. Soon she expects to be wired up to the internet and blogging with the rest of us (such as we are).

I mentioned my visit to Dad's (Jonathan F.K.) grave and how the Rowan tree is doing. I have posted pictures of my visit last Tuesday in the Album (link in the Blog margin).


Thursday, 22 March 2007

party in bude

hi everyone.

i also want to thank abi for all her hard work to do with the family tree (even though its not my blood family!) I know Julian is very grateful and seeings as he has no idea how to get online i shall thank you abi on behalf of him!! hopefully we will see you sometime over the weekend anyway.

This is just a quick message to do with julians party. I have now had to change the date to the SUNDAY 19th AUG not the saturday 18th as the town band are using their hall that day as Bude Carnival is all happening on saturday (even more of a reason for people to come down for the weekend and celebrate!). Thats all i can tell you for now but I do so hope that as many of you will be able to come down for it. Its not going to be a big affair but just something to enjoy and celebrate with Julian and myself. we will have our lifegurad lodger in our upstairs room but we do have a small spare room and big back garden if anone wants to stay or camp!! Ideally though it would be nice to make it a surprise but if that doesnt happen so be it.
Hope everyone is well. Ju, Amber and I are all off for our holiday to Egypy in a coupld of weeks so we are looking forward to that. We havent been abroad all three of us together ever!! The last time Ju and I went abroad Amber was just a little bump in my tummy!!
Love to everone take acer all Tani x

Wednesday, 14 March 2007



I don't have a copy that can be emailed as I typed it on my ancient computer at home. However, there is a lot more information on my genes reunited site along with a family tree that dates back to the 1400's from both Houghton and Knight sides of the family. Once you have registered (costs about £8) you can send me a message requesting me to open my tree and then I can give you and whoever else wants to view it, access to it. The photos are a lovely idea and a nice tribute to Dad for his b'day. I have thought lots about him this week and lit a candle in the cathedral for him yesterday. I bet those daffodils that we planted for him have appeared by now, hopefully I'll get to go and have a look next weekend on our way to Bude. We are going to stay for the weekend in Claire's house while her and Keith are in Lanzarote. Can't wait!

Would it be ok for you to send me back the originals of the photos I gave you last year? I wondered why there were lots of gaps in my album and had forgotton I gave all my photos of Dad to you for the booklet you made for the funeral. Thanks Nic.
PS) hope the new job is going well! x

Monday, 12 March 2007

I have created a link as promised to an album containing photographs of Jonathan Frederick Knight to mark his birthday (11 March 1931). Watch it in 'slideshow' mode.
I have also made Tania an Administrator for the Blog along with Jonathan.
Well done Clare for posting a Comment; but how about becoming a full-blown member? Ask Tania to email you an invitation.

Sunday, 11 March 2007


I received my bundle of family history. Its a very good effort on your part and you are to be commended for it.
I had not known that Dad had won a scholarship to one of our most prestigious hall of learning.
You might have saved the postage and a few forests by emailing the material (or at least printing double-sided) though.
I suggest you retain the master copy which will in time be added to I hope. I would welcome an emailed copy. If the attachments are not in electronic form then I can scan the ones you sent me.
Well done again.
I think perhaps that you, me and Tania are the only people that read this Blog. Such a pity.

PS Its rather poignant to observe that today would have been Dad's 76th birthday and that Tuesday will mark the first anniversary of his death. As a tribute I shall add some photographs of him that I recently came across to the Blog's Album later today.

Wednesday, 7 March 2007

Update from Bristol


That is great news, congratulations Nic! I hope by now you have all received your family history packs I sent out. They are a bit bulky so may take you a while to get through them!! I was contacted by a historian a few days ago and she is researching Arthur Rhys Davids, our grandmothers cousin. Apparently he was very close to our Great Grandfather, Henry Davids, so she is researching him too. She said she'd contact me with any useful information that she found out so could be interesting.

Hope you are all well and happy. It was my birthday last week and Joe arranged a surprise trip to Amsterdam which was amazing. We did as much as we could in the three days we were there. The red light district was an eye opener but the rest of the city was beautiful.....and the sun was shining most of the time we were there!

Love to you all,

Abi xxx

Monday, 5 March 2007


Nic has a new job. Area sales for Bridgecraft covering the whole of southern England and south Wales. I am considering a move to Dorset in order to be more central.
Bridgecraft is a sister company to Vale Upholstery. They are British manufacturers of quality upholstered furniture.
I start this month.

Wednesday, 31 January 2007



This is brilliant - and just the sort of thing the Blog is handy for (that there seem to be so many IT illiterates in the family is a blessing in disguise).
So, 'Mum' is the word.

Could other family readers of the Blog (if you are out there), confirm that you have seen Tania's post and taken the message on board, promising to discreetly pass it around.

Well done Tania.

Tuesday, 30 January 2007

summer time

Hi All

I've finally worked out how to write something!!

This has to be a quick one Im afraid. This is being written in secret as I dont want Julian to see this (dont worry he hasnt a clue how to get on this website and read messages!).
Now I may be jumping the gun here but i wanted to think ahead to August as it is Julians 40th birthday!! I am hoping to organise something but I wanted all the family to know so that we can get as many people down as possible. So at the moment maybe if we could just pencil in the Sat 18th August for a possible get together here in Bude. This will be a complete surprise for Julian so sshhh!!
There is the old town band hall which is available to "hire" right opposite Clare and Keiths house so maybe a gathering in there with food and drink would be a good idea. Its located right next to Bude canal so if the weather is nice it could be a jolly nice day!

Will be get back to you with more info as and when.

Hope everyone is well. Take Care all
Tania x

Sunday, 28 January 2007


Commiserations to Portsmouth FC who lost 2 - 1

Friday, 26 January 2007


Sally & Graham have gone to Guildford this weekend - grave hunting. I believe they also plan to take a look at Sandy Knowe.
Sally has promised to take photos which will be posted on the Blog and in the album.

Tuesday, 16 January 2007

Welcome Kate

A big warm welcome to
who is the first Portsmouth family representative to sign-up.
We all hope that she will not be the last.

Monday, 15 January 2007

Happy New Year!!

Dear all, thank you to Nic for inviting me into the Houghton beach party blog. Firstly just to say a very Happy New Year to you all!! full of love,peace and auspicious (one of dad my dad's favourite words!) occassions ahead.
The photos of you all in Bude are lovely and it's great to see everyone looking so well and happy. Christmas here in Portsmouth was lovely and time split between each others houses checking out the kids toys and over indulging as we always do! then followed a hearty New Years Eve. Myself checking out the local entertainment and merry making with Terry and friends in our regular pub The Florence and then staggering onto Jenny's house to meet up with the rest of the party animals!!! A good night was had by all, safe to say highly celebrated!

So here I am back to it and already it feels like eons ago! It was lovely to see Abi, her mum Marguerite and her friend Leslie who visited at my Mums house on Boxing day for tea and chrimbo cake. I do hope we will manage to get to see you all again this year and I would like to take Mum away for a w-end break-possibly Dorset over the summer months.

Well I'll sign off now, but will keep you posted. Take care all, much love from Kate, :) x

Tuesday, 9 January 2007

Snotty Note

Well here I am after an unprecedented two days off work with a Kleenex in one hand and a bottle of cough mixture in the other. I'm feeling so much better by giving myself time to recover but Big G is now snuffling in the background and is blaming me as the infector.....of course his cold is much worse than mine! Good to see Abi's post and looking forward to a sneak preview of the family tree on Genes Reunited. Happy days!!!

Wednesday, 3 January 2007

Happy new year to you all! Joe and I really enjoyed our trip to Bude and it was wonderful to see everyone looking so well and happy. I am in the process of making the family history up into a booklet for you all so hope it will be out and posted by February. I have got a tree on genes reunited if any of you want to have a look on there, I am not sure how up to date it is now though.

Great photos Nic, not sure about the one of me though!!

Abi xx

Tuesday, 2 January 2007

Joining Up

Well done to those that have joined the Blog so far. There are still a few invitations pending. However, if you are reading this Blog and would like an invitation to join up then send an email to me putting "HBP" in the subject line so that I can easily indentify such emails:
I will then email an invitation to you.
Who is eligible? Any family member with a traceable link to Annette Hatton, Adrian, Christopher and Jonathan Houghton. This includes wives, husbands or partners of those with direct blood links.
If you know of anyone that should receive an invitation please refer them to the Blog and invite them to apply or send me their email address and I will issue an invitation direct.
In time as the Blog membership grows, we can close it off to the public domain so that it becomes completely private. This will allow us to be freer with information on say addresses, telephone numbers etc. At present the Blog can be read by anyone. So bear this in mind when posting.
Please take joint ownership of this Blog. I have set it up for the benefit of us all. Please make suggestions for its improvement. I have included links to a photograph album and to Genes Reunited. I can easily add other useful links if required.
If you feel able to take an administrative role in the functioning of the Blog, then let me know. I can change status of members from 'Guest' so that they are able to makle background changes. A knowledge of HTML code would be an advantage, but not essential.
Have fun.
PS The work that Abi has done in researching the family history should be acknowledged. Her briefing in Bude last week was very interesting. There is a lot more 'digging' to do. This Blog may help in pooling resources and exchanging information and ideas.

Monday, 1 January 2007

happy new year

Dear All

Graham and I would like to wish you all a very happy new year that is filled with love, laughter and wonderful things.

We both enjoyed our day in Bude with you all so much and can't wait to meet up again.

I drove Jonathan back to Guildford on Friday - not a very nice journey, blowy and wet. Jonathan has a lovely cosy little flat in a very nice house just out of the main town. We unloaded all Santa's gifts - (and I loaded up his empty beer bottles and promised to take them to the recycling centre!) and headed off to the town. I was suitably impressed with the cobbled shopping street which featured some very tempting opportunities to flex the plastic. (I resisted). We then had a very tasty lunch before returning to the car for me to head back to Devon.

Saturday Mick and Sue, old friends from Sussex came to stay for the weekend. Poor Sue was not very well and had the most dreadful cold with headache, aches, sore throat and cough. We took them to the panto on Saturday and out for a meal afterwards and she bravely joined in it all. New Years Eve was down the pub for a meal but we returned at 10.30 to see the new year in at home.

sorry got to sign off now the Vicar of Dibley is about to start - love you all loads - get blogging!!

S & Big G xxxxxxx