Hello Everybody!
Glad to hear Julian had a fantastic birthday party you all look pretty 'happy' in the photos! Ha ha!! I'm amazed we all managed to keep it a secret to be honest, it wasn't easy not to let the cat out of the bag! Very sorry I couldn't attend, never one to miss a good party, but we were away in France. Had a great holiday, we stayed in Joe's parents cottage near La Rochelle in the country side, miles away from civilsation and drank lots of red wine and I ate double own body weight in croissant!! Weather was sunny for most of the time so lots of trips to the beach and BBQ's in the evening. We spent a very interesting night with Claude and Ya Ya (Joe's parents friends who speak NO English) when they kindly invited us for a 6 course meal at their house. We managed to converse in something like French for more than 5 hours, pretty amazing as neither Joe or I really speak very much French at all. Think the Bordeaux vin rouge assisted somewhat!!
Anyway, now back in Bristol and looking forward to starting a new job for the Royal British Legion as an Employment Adviser. Will start on 01/10/07 and means I will be working from home and driving out to people in their work places to try and assist them with things they need to stay in work if they have health problems or disabilities. Can't wait to start, maybe will get a dog if possible now I won't be in an office all day! Also. will need some company as Joe is off to the south coast on Sunday to start his teacher training! He will be back at weekends though, so hopefully we won't pine for eachother too much. Although I think we will!! Ah!!
Anyway, hope all is well with everybody and Sally, are you having another party this year? Nic, when are you leaving the country? Must see you before you go!!!
Big hugs to you all
Abi xxxx
I am glad you have experience the charm of a French holiday in the country. I have had several courtesy of Jen in the Ardeche (near Aubenas). I never wanted to come home and found returning to the hustle and bustle of rip-off Britain really quite depressing.
One reason I am glad to be leaving. As I posted earlier on this Blog, my departure date is 25 September from Gatwick.
Sally has mentioned soething about hosting another HBP before I go but has not mentioned anything recently.
Don't rely too much on anyone else reading the Blog. It is still not top of the agenda for most family members. You will still need to contact dirctly I am afraid.
Portsmouth headed to Cornwall for Julian's party a week late because they had not read the Blog!
Yes, we should meet up before I go. If not at Sally's then in a pub somewhere. I shall be in Devon, London or travelling the country saying goodbye to chums. I leave the flat on 8 September. I am busy packing.
I sent you an invite to join my "Adventure in the South China Seas" blog. Will your new job affect your Blog memberships as your Google account is on the jobcentre email address?
Hello! I will give Sally a ring tonight and see if she's thought of anything yet. Apart from next weekend when Joe does the marathon I will be free for the rest of the month so if not Devon, will try and meet up somewhere! Yes, the move of jobs may affect my logging in to google....I hope I will get the internet at home on my lap top so should be able to change it over when I get that....RBL are meant to be kitting me out with such equipment before I start my new job. For some reason, my work computer will not let me into the south china seas blog anymore, not sure why?!! So will have to keep writing on this one for now. Lots of love, will be in contact soon,
Abi xx
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